Redring Revive Showers Improve Retrofitting

The Redring Revive Range has now been replaced. The New models can be viewed here.

Redring Revive Their Expressions Range

What? Well here's the situation

Redring used to do a very popular range of showers called the 'Expressions range'. Many feel that this range didn't need changing (me included), but hey, that's the way the UK shower market is these days. A couple of years ago they completely re-designed this range and re-launched its Expressions range with its new 'Smartfit' technology which was designed to not only retrofit easily with their old Expressions range but also with most other instant showers on the market. Sounds okay so far?

Here's the problem - The new Smartfit showers retrofitted MOST installations but not all. If your electrical cable currently comes in at the top of the shower, then you may have to extend the cable by a few inches to access the rear cable entry point. You may also have to alter pipework slightly. Granted, this was only in cases where the contractor hadn't left enough cable spare on the original install or if you were very unlucky on the pipe runs but still.

Redring Revive Smartfit2

The Good News - Redring have just launched their new Smartfit2 model which thankfully, solves this little dilemma beautifully. Multiple entries for both cables and pipes are now so flexible that retrofit should be a breeze for either model.
Redring Revive Retrofit's All
So now, if you have either an old Expressions '5' series or a not-so-old Expressions Smartfit series or a completely different instant electric shower from another manufacturer, there's one shower that fits the bill - Redring Revive Expressions Smartfit2. You'd be forgiven for saying 'better late than never' but we're happy that at least Redring have followed this through and re-invested in a much-improved solution.

Redring Revive Showers - Best Deal - Next Day Delivery