Troubleshooting The Airflow iCON HTM Humidity Module

Airflow HTM Module

Airflow iCON HTM Setup & Reset

Humidity settings on extractor fans seem to be a common issue, so I thought I'd offer a few pointers on setting up and troubleshooting the Airflow iCON HTM humidity module.

The module can be wired either with OR WITHOUT a switched live depending on the functionality you require. This is quite handy as many people who are swapping out an existing fan find that they have a permanent live only.

Fan operation when wired using both a permanent and switched live: Fan operates with the switched live (usually wired into the room light) and then runs on for a preset time (adjustable on the fan control module) after it has been switched off. The fan will also switch itself on and off in conjunction with its humidity setting (adjustable on the control module). The fan can also be switched on with the local pull cord on the fan and will run until the timer expires. The pull cord can be cut off if required.

Fan operation when wired using just L & N: Fan operates on and off in conjunction with its humidity setting (adjustable on the control module). The fan can also be switched on with the local pull cord on the fan. If the pull cord is cut off then the fan will operate on humidity only.

Note: Pull cord will not 'click' (as it is electronic) and is designed to switch the fan ON only. Repeated pulling will reset the timer to start again. The fan will switch off automatically once the timer has run its set time (unless you keep pulling it of course) (adjustable 5 - 45mins) - Recommended 10-15 minutes.

In order for the fan to operate properly the humidity setting on the module must be set correctly:

Turning the humidity knob fully anti-clockwise sets the humidity level at 90% - Use of a bath or shower would usually cause the humidity in the room to rise above 90% and so should turn the fan on until the humidity level has dropped back below 90%

Turning the humidity knob fully clockwise sets the humidity level at 40% - This humidity level could represent a normal summers day so your fan could run all the time at this setting (Airflow get many calls claiming that this is a fault when actually someone has turned down the humidity level thinking that they have turned down its sensitivity to humidity)

- Note: Please use the little, black plastic adjuster that comes with the module to change the settings. Screwdrivers are not recommended and have been known to break the dial.

To summarise:
In most cases, the best option is to turn the humidity knob fully anti-clockwise (90% humidity) and only reduce it if the fan isn't coming on quickly enough for your liking when using the bath or shower.

If you've followed the above and the Airflow iCON HTM humidity sensor isn't behaving as it should then it may need to be reset. If so please carefully follow this reset procedure:

  • Switch the power to the fan off at the isolator
  • Set the humidity knob to 90% (turn fully anti-clockwise)
  • Switch the power to the fan back on at the isolator
  • WAIT 5 MINUTES ( important)
  • Switch the power to the fan back off at the isolator again
  • WAIT 5 MINUTES ( important)
  • Switch the power to the fan back on at the isolator
  • The fan may not come on (this is okay as the humidity level may well be under 90%)
  • If it does come back on, let it run. It should turn off after 5-6mins
  • Occasionally, humidity modules are sensitive and can take up to 48 hours to settle into a new environment or setting change. They can also be affected by weather changes. We recommend that they are always set above 70%